Beatriz Betti
BIG registration number 49923417102
Where did you study?
Paulista University, São Paulo, Brazil (2000) graduated as a dentist
Paulista University, Campinas, Brazil (2009) graduated as an orthodontist
Senac, São Paulo, Brazil (2014) graduated as a restorative dentist
Why did you choose to work in dentistry?
I have always had an affinity for healthcare because I enjoy taking care of others and helping them.
At the same time, I have always admired beauty, symmetry, and proportionality. If you want to combine both things, then becoming a dentist is a logical choice, especially with everything that is possible in dentistry nowadays.
Why did you choose to specialize in orthodontics?
As a child, I had braces, and I thought my orthodontist was amazing. She was incredibly cool, and I wanted to be like her when I grew up. As I got older, I started working as a dental assistant in her practice alongside my studies, and I was always there in my free time. I also have a great love for architecture and design, and I see many similarities with orthodontics, the lines that you want to bring back into someone’s smile, and the sense of proportion. When I can give someone a beautiful smile, I feel like a small architect within dentistry, and that’s why I fell in love with orthodontics.
What makes it enjoyable for you to work at Tandarts Jordaan?
I have a social personality, and my days are much happier when I work in a team. Multidisciplinary orthodontics suits me and is my passion. With multidisciplinary orthodontics, you work together with multiple specialists to create a comprehensive plan for a patient. Transforming a person’s smile together with a team that shares the same passion as I do has always been my dream job, and that’s what I was looking for when I decided to be part of the Tandarts Jordaan team.
I enjoy working in such a beautiful architectural building in the heart of Amsterdam, in a clinic equipped with the latest technology, and with a team that loves what they do.
About Beatriz Betti
Beatriz has been a certified Invisalign Doctor since 2009 and holds an Invisalign Diamond status.
Practices that use Invisalign are classified based on the number of patients they have treated, known as Invisalign levels. Tandarts Jordaan and Beatriz Betti fall under the Diamond level.
To become a Diamond doctor, you not only need to have treated hundreds of people but it also allows us to offer Invisalign aligners to our patients at a reduced rate.
Read more here if you want to learn more about orthodontics or if you are interested in working at Tandarts Jordaan, for example as a dental assistant for Beatriz Betti.